Every once in awhile, I like to see what's going on in the town of my birth, the "People's Republic of Boulder". It never ceases to amaze my what comes out of the "forty square miles surronded by reality".
a snippet....
Five hundred people are coming into town this week to save the world.
More specifically, the world's poor and the world's environment.
Organizers behind the "Sustainable Resources 2003: Solutions to World Poverty" conference being held this week on the University of Colorado campus say the two goals go hand in hand.
These 500 people REALLY believe they will be able to save the poor, save the enviroment, and save the world.
How? I am a conservationist...I recycle.....I try to not use paper....I don't get a morning paper.
But the problem is, all those things I do to save the planet, work AGAINST improving the lives of the poor.
How? Recycling may make a sustainable environment, but it also shrinks the numbers of people needed in the job market. When the job market shrinks, the number of people not needed to work shrinks, and the number of poor increases.
There are really only two ways to have a sustained environment as well as a shrinkage of poor (well three if you count the mass killing of the poor which no one really supports I HOPE)
One is communism, but we KNOW from history it doesn't work
The other is to get corporations to see how conservation can HELP THEM. Not force them into it.
If corporations can see the advantages, besides "it helps the earth", they tend to adopt the environmentally friendly policies.
Take Honda for instance, they DIDN'T just cave to enviros, they found a way to make an affordable enviromentally friendly car that can keep up with regular cars.
The Prius was a moderate success.
Unfortunately, most enviros are NOT working for ways to HELP corporations to create enviromentally friendly products. They are down throwing rocks at WTO meetings or setting fire to car dealerships.
More enviros need to make conservation easy, inexpensive, and AN IMPROVEMENT. Eco-tourism, NOT Eco-terrorism, is a good start. The Prius is another. Once enviros LEARN to create products that are better than what we have, cheaper than what we have, and MORE ENVIROMENTALLY FRIENDLY, consumers and corporations will embrace them.
More people will have jobs, and the enviroment will become sustainable.
But 500 enviros will be in Boulder discussing this instead of learning how to make a better, cheaper, enviromentally friendly mousetrap.