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« Yawn... | Main | The Candy Bar Menace »

July 27, 2004


Tim Worstall

Ouch, bad luck.
Good luck on the job hunt: a job won't be hard to find. One that you really really want to do at great pay hasn't, unfortunately, got any easier to find over the years. I'm afraid I can't help from over here, not unless you speak Portuguese :-)

Liberal Larry

Just one more job lost on Bush's Watch.

Oh well, at least you got that whopping big $300 tax refund.

Corey Schuster

That bites!

Sorry, Darren. I enjoyed the station and your show! I hope something else turns up for ya.


Saw it on the news tonight. Sorry about that.


11 other stations.
Go4it and good luck.


That sucks.

That utterly sucks.

I am so disappointed.

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