From CNN and All Access
When Koko the gorilla used the American Sign Language gesture for pain and pointed to her mouth, 12 specialists, including three dentists, sprang into action.The result? Her first full medical examination in about 20 years, an extracted tooth and a clean bill of health.
About a month ago, Koko, a 300-plus-pound ape who became famous for mastering more than 1,000 signs, began telling her handlers at the Gorilla Foundation in Woodside she was in pain. They quickly constructed a pain chart, offering Koko a scale from one to 10.
When Koko started pointing to nine or 10 too often, a dental appointment was made. And because anesthesia would be involved, her handlers used the opportunity to give Koko a head-to-toe exam.
It's pretty cool when a gorilla can get herself a dental appointment.
Yup. Just goes to show how effective a government operated medical system is compared to a private one.
Posted by: Liberal Larry | August 10, 2004 at 12:11 PM
Now, if we could just get the NHS to provide dentistry to humans
Posted by: Tim Worstall | August 10, 2004 at 07:41 AM
Yeah, it is great Koko could get a dentist, let alone three of them. It's just a shame kids on Medicaid can't get the same. Here in Mo., there are very few dentists who will take Medicare/Medicaid. SW Missourians have to travel to Kansas City. But Koko can have three dentists on standby.
Sorry, I needed to vent.
Posted by: Denise | August 09, 2004 at 11:42 PM