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« Oh No! Russ Meyer Died | Main | A Ten Year Anniversary »

September 24, 2004



How about an even more disturbing story about bad parenting. Typical.

From Fox News.

Mike Straka

The words were spoken by the mother of a 5-year-old boy who tragically choked to death on a piece of a rubber glove.

She told reporters that her child was blowing up a latex rubber glove like a balloon — and said she yelled at him to stop. Apparently, when the boy didn't listen, the woman made no effort to actually get up and take the glove from him, because a few moments later a piece of the glove lodged in the boy's throat, and he died.

Beside the obvious, tragic Grrr!, the woman went on to say that her child died "because the paramedics took too long to get there." Huh?

Apparently, the ambulance took 20 minutes to arrive on the scene. My question: How long did it take for the mother to get up off her butt and take the dangerous "toy" away from her toddler? This was a tragedy that could have been avoided. Wake up parents and start parenting. Grrr!

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