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January 28, 2005


James C. Hess

Thanks much to the blogosphere. Despite this story being around for about three years, only now are the facts about Churchill come to print. It turns out he doesn't even hold a doctorate, his publishing track is at best weak and weak-kneed, and remarks such as those he recently have gotten him in trouble with higher-ups in ivy-covered academia before.

But here are some questions not yet answered: Who is paying for him to go from Colorado to New York? Is he getting paid for his speech? If so, how much? Where is that money coming from? Is Hamilton College in New York taxpayer-funded?

LC Geno

I was hoping you caught what this ass- stain said. The Rocky Mountain News ran a article on friday and one on thursday about Churchills trip to New York. The Rottweiler picked it up also. Emperor Misha gave the RMN article a good and proper rant.

This is the assnugget of wisdom that really set me off -"As for those in the World Trade Center," the essay said, "well, really, let's get a grip here, shall we? True enough, they were civilians of a sort. But innocent? Gimme a break."
Churchill is an absolute pussbag for saying this shit. Would he feel the same way if his wife and daughter died in the WTC?

Maybe Professor Vinny and the good people of New York will take Churchill on a very, very, longterm research project, studying pollution problems on the Hudson River bottom.

LC Geno

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