A delay tape in TV is usually harmless, unless you're talking about a tape involving House Majority Leader Tom DeLay. DeLay accuses NBC TV of marring his name by including a not so favorable reference to him on the NBC TV drama "Law & Order: Criminal Intent." His name came up Wednesday night on the season finale of the program which involved the fictional murders of two judges by suspected right-wing extremists. During the show, one of the officers looking for clues in the shootings had a line that said quote, "Maybe we should put out an APB for somebody in a Tom DeLay T-shirt." DeLay wrote a letter to NBC chiding them for using his name and trivializing the issue of judicial security. The network responded by saying the line in the show was neither a political comment nor an accusation.
You gotta be kidding me CBS. By linking Delay to people who allegedly killed judges, you DID make an accusation and engaged in political commentary. Stop pretending you're not. Let's put the shoe on the other foot. If you were doing a show where a guy was killed after being accused of illegally donating money to a politician's campaign, and a character said, "look for the guy in the Hillary Clinton shirt.", people would be outraged, and I'm sure that the line would not make it past the editing process. Stop acting innocent, and start treating Republicans, or the majority of the country, with some respect please....
An idea...if you're making a fictional show, use fictional names.