I'll let the facts play out on this, but let me tell you something. If Libby really did this, I hope for prison. And for the same reason I said the same thing about Bill Clinton.
It's really that simple. It doesn't matter what you're lying about. Scooter Libby's lying is every bit as ridiculous as Clinton's was (and don't give me the one about Libby's being more serious. If there had been anything, anything at all, there would have been indictments for that as well.) because it was unnecessary.
Look, if a lawyer is asking you a question in court, under oath, they know the answer. Trust me, they know. Those lawyers WANT you to lie. They live for it. Why would you give that to them? It's just stupid, but people do it way too much.
I've got a better idea. Take the fifth. Yes, people will think you did it, but, guess what, they already do. Save yourself the agony of being impeached, jailed, and/or fined. It doesn't matter whether you're a Dem or a Repub, if you lie under oath ABOUT ANYTHING, you deserve what you get. And, damn straight I'm consistant on this issue. If your not, then you need to ask yourself some serious questions.
So if Libby is found guilty then good riddence. I don't want that type of person in MY G.O.P..